Creating Alignment for Agile Change

Event Details

Conference: Toronto Agile and Software

Sometimes people in organizations feel as though Agile has been pushed on them. They end up going through the motions, without any real sense of ownership of what they are doing. Instead of actually implementing meaningful changes, organizations end up doing “Agile in name only” by slapping Agile labels on existing processes. Then Agile is blamed for “not working”. This isn’t an Agile problem. It’s an alignment and ownership problem. In this session, through theory and multiple real-world case studies, you’ll learn how to co-create change by involving the people affected by the change in the design of the change.

Session Format:

This session includes 2 other speakers, Carlos Oliveira and April Jefferson. They will be presenting case studies about how they are using change canvases within their organizations.

Speaker Bios:

Jason is the author of Lean Change Management and Agile Transformation: A Guide to Organizational Change. Jason has been helping organizations implement Agile since 2007.

April is an Agile Coach who’s worked with GM and University of Michigan to implement and advance Agile practices.

Carlos is a Lean Startup fanatic who create and sold his business to Open Text in 2012 and is now working as an internal coach and lean/agile evangelist at Telus.


Creating Alignment for Agile Change from Jason Little


The Good

“The specific company examples were very helpful. I liked the energy and enthusiasm from all three speakers” – 8/10

“Lots of good info to take back to [my] teams” – 9/10

“I can apply this tomorrow!” – 9/10

To make it perfect

“Brevity is the soul of wit” – 6/10

“Green background doesn’t offer enough contrast…text was hard to read” – 9/10

“More metrics measuring the success” – 8/10

“it’s a bit too generic in change management in Jason’s speak. Need more Agile related context…more information about the difference in Agile Transformation vs general org change” – 8/10

“spellcheck! ‘TransforMation!'”

“The speakers were very general, not specific enough to address the topic – there was no connection amongst the speakers” – 4/10